Deep State Club

Hi, I’m Robbie Blue.

I’ve been going round and round with this website for years.

I didn’t want to host a political site, but I don’t think there is any way to avoid it. So, I’m offering this site in compromise.

Although most of my family and friends would agree that my views are very liberal (I am actually a bit closer to center than many people think, although I am a bit confused where center actually is these days), I have decided to open this site up to both sides.

I will host viewpoints and products that support opinions on both sides. Pro Indictment and Con (Against) Indictment. I said I would host both sides, I didn’t say I would be equally receptive to your views. I will host them, but I won’t run interference.

I will begin by offering a “defense” of the accused, maybe not wholehearted, but what do you expect from a guy named Blue. I actually have a couple MAGA relatives. I don’t know how they support this guy. My brother-in-law is a very compassionate guy, one of his best buds is a gay guy from Florida. I know he is ok with this. I am tired of all this Joe Biden bashing, just because he isn’t a “conservative”. My nephew is a MAGA enthusiast. I suspect he is, the way I voted for Reagan in my first voting election. I believed all their bullshit about welfare queens and the rest. I know that it is hard dropping a dead weight toad that you have been kissed by. Oh well. Here is the forum to express your views. I can’t promise the replies will all be positive